Wednesday, March 16, 2011

We've discovered how delicious our fingers are!

We have been working on tummy time a lot lately, and in doing this, Joshua has discovered his hands and how delicious his fingers are! It is so funny to watch him go to town on his little hands. Here is a video from last night...

Joshua is doing well developmentally. We go to the doctors tomorrow morning for his well check up and his 4 month immunizations. I never look forward to those shots, luckily daddy will be there...he is the stronger one. We plan on talking to the pediatrician about a flat spot Joshua has on his head. The physical therapist came to the house on Monday, and noticed that the spot on Joshua's right side is getting worse. He is still favoring that right side, and although we are doing everything to make him lay on his left side, we can only do so much. We are trying to keep him upright more often and not put him in his swing, bouncer, etc. The physical therapist mentioned the possibility of Joshua having to wear a head band or helmet. Preemies heads are even more soft than a term babies head, and although this does occur in term babies as well, it is unfortunately most common in preemies. We do not know much about the helmets yet other than the research we did ourselves. It was hard to hear, especially because he finally seemed to be a normal baby. In the end, we realized we are just so thankful to have him here with us, a helmet for a couple months is nothing compared to our lifetime as a family. It will just be another adventure for Team Altman and I know we will come out strong. We will keep everyone updated on this after we see his pediatrician tomorrow. Please keep Joshua in your thoughts and prayers and give our family strength to conquer this new challenge. God is great, and we know he wouldn't give us anything we couldn't handle. Joshua is one of the strongest little babies out there, and he will have so much to share with his younger siblings one day. We are such proud parents of our little man.

Here are some recent pictures of Joshua. Much love from Team Altman! Enjoy =)

Going for a walk

Clean diaper = happy baby


Its sunny out...thanks for the sunglasses grandma!

Lets get this walk going

Trying to get a smile from Joshua for the camera

Im spoiled

Team Altman


  1. My friends baby will have to wear a helmet too. He was full term, but she has a bicornuate uterus. He was stuck in a certain position and still favors that side, I believe it's his right side too. His head is super flat on that side, he's around 4months too, born on Halloween. He's still cute as ever. Good luck with everything. Your family looks great and strong! xoxoxo

  2. Prayers are with you Team Altman!!
